Our cowherd is the base of what we do, thus the importance to continually try to improve it. The cows are assessed on the basis of fertility, udder quality, disposition, mothering ability, overall structure, and performance. We are critical of our cows as we strive for continued improvement.
The cows do not receive any special treatment. They stay out in the pasture until year end and then they are housed in large pens as we calve from January thru March. After they have calved, the cows are separated into smaller pens for breeding early April. They are typically kicked out to pasture as soon as the grass is ready to go. Our cow herd is vaccinated for IBR/BVD, blackleg, anthrax, and receive an Ivomec treatment twice a year. They also have year round access to Right Now® minerals.
As the years go by we are beginning to see the results of our rigid culling efforts; a more consistent set of cows that raise a more consistent set of calves.